福音聚会Gospel Fellowship

福音聚会Gospel Fellowship

原订于2月9日(周六)晚上的福音聚会, 因正好为阴历年三十晚。现提前在2月2日礼拜六晚上举行。内容:晚餐,诗歌,信息短讲,分组讨论,并设有儿童节目。请为这聚会祷告,并邀请未信主的亲友参加,同得福音的好处。

The Gospel Fellowship on  Saturday (February 9, 2013)will be changed to Feb 2,2013 because of Chinese New Year Eve.
Contents: Dinner, Hymns, Message and Group discussion.
Please pray for the meeting and invite friends to come. May the Lord use this meeting to spread the gospel.
Time: 6:30 – 9:00pm

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