The First of All Commandments

一. 文士的困惑—诫命中那是第一要紧的?
The dilemma of the scribes - Which is the first commandment of all?

1. 摩西律法诫命有613条很难归纳简明扼要
It is difficult to make 613 statutes of the Law simple and meaningful

2. 文士将诫命区分为“轻重”“大小”
Scribes divided the statutes into “weighty” and “light” categories

二. 主耶稣的回答
The Lord’s answer

1. 律法诫命的根本 -“主我们的神,是独一的主”
Root of the Law - “The Lord our God, the Lord is one”

2. 对律法的态度—“要听” Attitude towards the Law - “Hear”

3. 律法的简明真理 Jesus reveals the Law in the simplest truth

(1) 律法的中心原则—爱 (希腊文 agapao)
The theme of the Law – Love (in Greek, agapao)

(2) 爱是行动和本分 -“你要爱”
Love is an action and a responsibility - You should love

(3) 完全的爱 -“尽---”
Perfect love - “with all your----”

(4) 全面的爱 --- 尽心,尽性,尽意,尽力
Entire love --- “with all your heart, ---soul, ----mind, ----strength”

4. 爱的一体性---爱神,爱人
Oneness of love - Love the Lord, love your neighbor

三. 应用 Applications

1.认识神 Knowing God

2.神对每一个神的儿女都有计划 God has a plan for each of us

3.藉著教会成就神的旨意 To fulfill His will through the church

4.与未信主的人分享神的爱 To share God’s love with an unsaved person