Led By the Lord (Num. 7-10)

一. 属灵的事奉 (7-8章) The spiritual service (ch. 7-8)

1.首领的奉献(Chap.7)The offering of the leaders

2.点灯(8: 1-4)Arrangement of the lamps

3.利未人的圣别 (8: 5-26) The Levites sanctified to the Lord

二. 与神亲近---逾越莭 (9: 1-14) Nearer to the Lord -- Passover

The offering acceptable to God is dwelling among His people

Under abnormal conditions God can provide specific grace

三.神的引导 (9: 15-10: 36)Led by the Lord

1.云彩火柱(9: 15-23)The cloud and pillar of fire

2.银号(10: 1-10)Silver trumpets

3.约柜 (10: 29-36) The Ark of the Covenant